Our Mission

BlockBuyer is a Residential Property Investment Crowdfunding Platform that allows regular people to invest together. We work with professional house rehabbers (also called Flippers or Developers) who we call Operators.
Operators become the Crowd Investor's “Partner” in a residential project, and offer fixed preferred returns or profit share upon sale.

How did we start the company?

Our founder Edward Borio was an avid residential investor when not designing rockets (yes, a real rocket scientist), who built an enterprise auction website for residential properties with clients such as Fannie Mae, Bank of America, National Investment groups, and lots of professional flippers. This technology solution sold over 500 houses over 3 day weekends.

In seeing so many transactions, we became highly in tune with what details were missing, in error, or omitted to cover up issues. Over many years it became painful to witness the lack of transparency between sellers and buyers.

We started exploring how to move from selling a single property to a single buyer, and to offering a single property to MANY buyers.

During this time our founder took a lot of real estate related educational seminars, courses, and read lots of books. In the end, more than 95% of the people he interacted with in these classes never ended up actually investing in a single property!

That was lesson #1

After investing in a few projects with people seemingly more sophisticated, it was apparent that some projects would not be successful.

That was lesson #2

While investing with a builder, it was later learned that the contract was designed for the builder to get paid well if the project was a success, and still get paid well if it was a failure… while investors lost everything.

That was lesson #3

I found a great deal! The project was a success, but my profits were not what I expected. Deep in the contract were priority management fees.

That was lesson #4

Overall, I did invest and won some and lost others, but the pain in losing money that took so long to earn and save up, became a passionate motivation for creating an entire new contract where investors get paid first, and the expert on the project gets paid last.

Our Mission

Along with realizing that no single person typically had all the time, money, skill, experience, confidence, resources, connections, nor established turnkey system, we realized that this is a team sport and the rules must be designed in favor of my fellow investors.

We started with a few questions:

  1. Over the years, I learned there are 1068 ways to get taken advantage of in real estate, how can we design a company with procedures to overcome them and protect the investors?
  2. If regular people are blocked from accessing deals that wealthy people legally have access to, how can we get access?
  3. How can small investors lower risk and increase success rates while working together even if we don’t have enough money, time, skills, experiences, access, contacts… to do it alone… how could we do it as a team?


Over 3 years we answered these questions and built a technology solution that dramatically helps investors. We combined fundamental residential investment practices (ie. what really works with single home investment deals), with legal securities compliance, and built-in safeguards against the 1068 ways investors can get taken advantage of in real estate.

Thus BlockBuyer was born.

Here is a summary of some of the Investor Benefits:

  1. CrowdFunding for Everyone!  Start crowdfunding now. No classes needed.
  2. Legally Promote Your Deals: Promote properties to raise money for Fix & Flip deals.
  3. Get Expert Partners, not Contractors: Select a highly experienced flipper & rehab team as your partner.
  4. Get Paid First, Before Your Expert Partner:  You get paid profits first, before your expert partner flipper does, they may even escrow your profits upfront.
  5. Easy In, Easy Out: Easily cancel your investment up to 48 hours before escrow starts.
  6. Transparent Rehab Budgets: Each deal has a description and cost for various repair areas.
  7. Upfront Contracts: Receive a Preferred Return (7% to 20%...or higher) or Profit Share on sale.
  8. Invite Friends and Family:  Finally, an easy and organized way to invest together with confidence and trust.
  9. Super Low Fees:  No attorney fees, no management fees, no hidden fees, only 1% of your investment ($10 per $1000 invested).
  10. Live Project Updates:  Stay in the loop with before and after pictures, video updates, and ongoing status messages during the rehab process.
  11. Low Investment Limits:  Invest as low as $500 up to $10,000.
  12. Quick Refunds If Title Issues Arise:  100% money back if the deal is a no go during title/escrow process.



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